We’re Living In Interesting Times

These days, I’m reminded about the ancient curse: ‘May you live in interesting times’. The origin of the saying is murky, but the meaning behind it has endured—uncertain times can bring stress.

As we approach the election, every day seems to bring more unpredictability and unprecedented news. September month-end showed markets had pulled back slightly; then, they reacted last week to Donald Trump’s coronavirus diagnosis.

Whether this qualifies as interesting times or not, I do know that having a long-term diversified investment strategy in place is the best way to handle market volatility. Also, election changes have historically had little effect on market performance.

As we head into the final months of 2020, let’s discuss your strategy and make sure that it reflects how your goals might have changed this year. We can work together to keep you on track for this year and beyond.

Here are some articles that I found insightful. I’d love to know your thoughts on them.

Trump’s Positive Covid Test Is Another Reason for Investors to Look Away

Oct. 2, 2020

The election is getting more uncertain every day, but investors should avoid getting carried away.

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Tax-Smart Investing: Four Ways to Duck Taxes On Investments

Oct. 2, 2020

It can be expensive to be a saver: You owe federal income tax on your profits, plus, sometimes, a…

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A 60/40 Stocks/Bond Strategy No Longer Works. Here’s What to Do Instead.

Oct. 2, 2020

It’s been a wild game in 2020, and we’re only starting the fourth quarter, with perhaps even more…

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How to Avoid Paying the Cruelest Tax: Inflation

Oct. 2, 2020

Investors worried that record budget deficits and massive Fed bond buying will stoke a big rise…

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5 Healthier Treats For Adult Fun While Stuck At Home

Oct. 2, 2020

Look no further than these 5 innovative, health conscious, adult-oriented products that are designed to alleviate stress and provide you…

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