Capping off a year of unprecedented events, economic and personal changes, as I write this, Americans are going to the polls, in an election that’s been touted as one of the most important in our lifetimes.
What should you make of this for your financial strategy? Emotions are running high, and pundits are outlining very different scenarios depending on results. Here’s what to do: focus on the future and remember your long-term goals.
Then, turn to what you can control and specific actions you can take. Together we have built a diversified long-term strategy, and there are things we can prioritize before year-end to help maximize your taxes and investments. Any changes we make are based on your goals, not who is elected.
Here are some articles that I found insightful. Please feel free to share them, and to get back to me with any questions or thoughts you may have.
Is Trump Or Biden Better For The Stock Market: Here's Why It Doesn't Matter
Nov. 3, 2020
Only 14% of Americans own a stock directly, and just over half own stocks through a mutual fund…
Now, More Than Ever, Election Week Is a Time for Patience
Nov. 2, 2020
The rush to reach a conclusion that increasingly has marked American election nights needs to be…
What GDP can and cannot tell you about the post-pandemic economy
Nov. 2, 2020
Pity the world’s chartmakers. For years, normal economic fluctuations will be dwarfed by the…
Year-End Financial Checklist: 4 Money Moves You Should Prioritize Now
Nov. 2, 2020
The end of the year is a busy time for most people. Unfortunately, it is usually also the last opportunity to make financial moves that will count towards the current year…
Stressed About the Election? Don’t Take It Out on Your Investments
Oct. 30, 2020
It may be tempting, one economist says, to think that if your side wins, the economy will be all…