Staying Calm in a Chaotic World
Last week, the world changed. As we watch the horrifying events unfold in Ukraine and the political and economic fallout, it’s hard not to worry.
It may be a sloppy spring. Here’s what you need to know.
Tax season is underway and it’s shaping up to be a little more complicated this year: the average refund is expected to be smaller, and returns may be arriving later, due to a backlog at the IRS.
According to the old Chinese proverb, the best time was 20 years ago, but the second-best time is now.
How 💗 and 💰 are connected
This week I couldn’t resist sending out a few fun finance-related articles ahead of Valentine’s Day.
Zoom out 👁️ to keep perspective
Before Zoom took over the pandemic as a videoconferencing phenomenon, the word was better known as the camera function that let you take close-up photos from far away.
100 ways to slightly improve your life without really trying
If January is the month of resolutions, then February is when we start to see some action.
D.M. Brenner, Inc.
380 Stevens Avenue, Suite 205
Solana Beach, CA 92075
Phone: (858) 345-1001
Fax: (858) 345-1054
David M. Brenner, CLU®, ChFC®
California License #0801900