A wealth of memories

Memorial Day is coming this year with perfect timing. For millions of Americans, the holiday is an opportunity to find respite from our labor and remember those in the military who sacrificed their lives for our freedom.  For others, Memorial Day is also the official...

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What to do with a bear

According to many analysts, a bear market seems increasingly likely as a reality that investors need to face.

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How to combat toxic inflation

Every spring, among the blossoming flowers, a few annoying weeds will rear their ugly heads. This year, inflation is that toxic weed threatening your financial growth.

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Mom the ‘finfluencer’

Social media is filled with influencers — and ‘influencers’ — attempting to fascinate us with stories on how to make the most of our lives and finances.

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D.M. Brenner, Inc.
380 Stevens Avenue, Suite 205
Solana Beach, CA 92075

Phone: (858) 345-1001
Fax: (858) 345-1054

David M. Brenner, CLU®, ChFC®
California License #0801900