It seems every week there’s a new acronym to label the US economy and the “vibes” of the general population.
This week it’s FOGO: The Fear of Getting Old.
But the movement gained traction years ago with FOMO, created to describe millenials’ (or anyone’s) fear of missing out. Then the pendulum quickly swung in the other direction as JOMO, the Joy of Missing Out, took over during the pandemic. You may also have heard of DINKs (double income, no kids), FIRE (financial independence, retire early), and HENRY (high earner, not rich yet). How about HIFI (high income, financially insecure)? Or ALICE (asset limited, income constrained, employed)?
These acronyms distract from the core issue: How to cope with the natural fears that arise when taking risks and living life to the fullest.
The good news is you don’t have to fear aging or missing out. Working together, we can assess the level of risk you’re comfortable with when pursuing your financial goals, leaving you with a sense of faith and freedom — especially significant this Independence Day.
Below are articles with more info for you. Enjoy, and have a happy and healthy Fourth of July!

Just One-Tenth of Americans Believe They Have Financial Freedom, Study Finds
June. 4, 2024
This Independence Day, many Americans are feeling defeated when it comes to their financial…

It’s Fine if Investing Bores You. Some Money Pros Feel the Same Way.
June. 24, 2024
For a certain type of money professional, there is a particular question that is decidedly…

From ALICEs to DINKs
June. 24, 2024
Can you spot the difference between an ALICE and a HENRY? Are you too much of a dingus to know…

The 12 Golden Rules For You To Become A Millionaire
June. 20, 2024
Do you dream of being fabulously wealthy and not worrying about money? Do you ever wonder what…

It’s Going to Cost More to Stay Cool This Summer
June. 20, 2024
Record-breaking temperatures and higher natural-gas prices are lifting electricity bills.

The Life-Changing Magic Of Compound Interest
June. 24, 2024
Here’s everything you need to know about what Albert Einstein allegedly called the eighth wonder…