Have you ever felt like your bank account doesn’t quite reflect your hard-earned efforts, or found yourself yearning for that trendy item everyone seems to have? It’s easy to be swayed by emotions or the latest fads, even when we know better logically. In...
Hurricane Helene has left a mark not just on the landscape, but also on the lives of countless people across the southeastern U.S. If you’ve watched the news coverage, or know people it’s affected personally, it’s easy to see the massive impact this storm has...
Ever feel like, despite your best efforts to manage your money, events happen that make you question how much control you actually have? This week, inspired by a recent article from The Guardian, we’re examining the paradox of control and how sometimes striving...
Money and stress are connected—there’s no doubt about it. In 2022, the American Psychological Association reported that an overwhelming 83 percent of U.S. adults cite inflation as their primary source of stress. And that was 2 years ago. Although inflation has since...
As we journey through the ever-changing financial landscape, it’s easy to become distracted by the dazzling allure of foreign opportunities and the seemingly effortless successes of others. The age-old adage “the grass is always greener on the other side”...